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NASS Will Amend Electoral Act 2022 To Remedy Weaknesses - Lawan

NASS Will Amend Electoral Act 2022 To Remedy Weaknesses - Lawan



NASS Will Amend Electoral Act 2022 To Remedy Weaknesses - Lawan 


The President of the Senate, Sen. Ahmad Lawan, asserted that efforts will be made by the National Assembly to amend the Electoral Act 2022 to safeguard against weaknesses identified in the law. 


Sen. Lawan made this known in a short remark on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 during plenary session, sequel to a Point of Order on matters of urgent national importance moved by Sen. Yahaya Abdullahi (APC, Kebbi North).


The Senate Presiding Officer, described the judgement by the Supreme Court on Section 84(12) of the Electoral Act 2022 as a “landmark” judgement that vindicates the National Assembly.


According to him, further amendment of the Act would strengthen it ahead of the 2023 general elections. He asserted saying “Let me say that this is one major landmark judgement by the Supreme Court that the National Assembly had done their job and the Court upheld it”.


“The idea of what method of primaries should be adopted at the moment is entirely left for the Political Parties to decide”. But as we implement the Electoral Act 2022, we are supposed to be very observant of the strengths and weaknesses of the law, he noted.


This law is supposed to improve the Electoral Processes and Procedures in our country. So, it is for the legislature to ensure that where there are weaknesses, legislative measures and amendments are carried out to deal with the weaknesses in the law. This will come full circle when the 2023 general elections are held, Sen. Lawan stated. 


Sen. Lawan opined that “I have no doubt in my mind that all of us in the National Assembly, not only in the Senate, but in the House as well, feel that we must do everything and everything possible to make this Electoral Act 2022 serve the purpose for which it was passed and assented to”.


Therefore, I believe that we should work tirelessly to take note of those areas that we feel are not strong enough - that is the weak points of the electoral law with a view to strengthening them before we finally take our exit in 2023, the Senate President declared.


Rising under Order 42 of the Senate Standing Rules, Sen. Yahaya Abdullahi lauded the 9th Assembly for resisting the pressure from the Executive to amend Section 84(12) of Electoral Act 2022.


He also applauded the Supreme Court for the clarity, decisiveness and unanimity of its verdict in upholding the Principles of Separation of Powers as enshrined in the 1999 Constitution (as amended). The lawmaker stressed that the Supreme Court verdict is a major victory towards true democratic governance anchored on the Rule of Law.


Sen. Abdullahi disclosed that the Supreme Court verdict should be celebrated for the following reasons. It restored and anchor the power of making laws to the National Assembly; and established a principle that once the President assents to a Bill, he/she cannot approbate and reprobate, that is he/she cannot go to the Courts to amend/reject the Bill in part or in whole, he said.


The lawmaker, however, underscored the need to amend the Electoral Act 2022 to revert to the mode of Direct Primaries. He noted that one issue still remains outstanding, and that is amending the Act (after the 2023 elections) to revert to our earlier stance on Direct Primaries. 


He declared that our recent nasty experience of the misuse of consensus and delegate system has vindicated our earlier position on the merit of Direct Primaries provided that a verifiable membership register of political parties is kept simultaneously at the Ward level and with INEC with all the necessary safeguards against corruption and data manipulation, is put in place.


“As the political process towards 2023 unfolds, the National Assembly needs to be observant of the loopholes and weaknesses of the Electoral Act 2022, so that a comprehensive assessment is undertaken to provide adequate grounds for making amendments to the Act before the end of the term of office of the 9th Assembly in May 2023”, the lawmaker added.




Dr. Ezrel Tabiowo, FAI, FIMC, CMC, FCP, Fsca


Special Assistant (Press)

To President of the Senate 


Tuesday, June 28, 2022.





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